My dearest friend, and beau crunchy, gave me this spray many years agone. I loved it instantly. Since that fourth dimension, I've used essential oils more and more in my daily life. And once I got the Immature Living Premium Starter Kit, I knew I wanted to find a way to DIY thieves spray. Information technology's less expensive, and I tin command exactly what I put into the solution.

What Is Thieves Spray?

Inspired by a Middle Age tale of four thieves who used a special concoction of aromatic herbs to support their health, Immature Living created an essential oil blend to mimic their creation. Today, information technology's ane of their bestselling oils. And for good reason! This proprietary essential oil blend was academy-tested for its cleansing abilities. Plus, information technology'due south highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health.

DIY Thieves Spray

Ready to learn how to make DIY thieves spray?

What you need for DIY thieves spray:

  • A 2-ounce nighttime glass spray bottle, similar this one (Note: Always opt for a dark glass bottle—the dark color protects your spray from degradation and glass volition agree upwardly better than plastic over fourth dimension.)
  • i teaspoon organic witch hazel, like this one
  • x-15 drops of Young Living thieves oil (where to purchase)
  • Almost two ounces of distilled water

How to make DIY thieves spray:

  • Add together x-xv drops of thieves oil to the clean glass spray canteen.
  • Add witch hazel, the top off with distilled water until full. (Notation: To brand transferring your ingredients easier and eliminate spills, try using a pocket-size stainless steel funnel.)
  • Secure the spray acme and use as yous run into fit.

That'south information technology! Equally you can see, DIY thieves spray is very like shooting fish in a barrel to make at home.

How to Apply Thieves Spray

While y'all tin can diffuse thieves oil  or apply topically with peachy results, thieves spray is a bully option for tasks effectually the house. It's also a handy matter to have while traveling. And if you're looking for a neat gift for a natural-minded friend or family member, thieves spray definitely fits the nib. (Check out other not bad bootleg essential oil recipes here.)

Use this DIY thieves spray to:

  • Clean babe and toddler toys
  • Freshen automobile seats, strollers, and other babe seats/carriers
  • Spray on public restroom seats
  • Wipe down cutting boards
  • Spray your mop before cleaning the floors
  • Freshen furniture, carpets, and other upholstery
  • Wipe down countertops and other kitchen surfaces
  • Wash fruits and vegetables
  • Freshen gym bags and gear
  • Clean bath surfaces, the tub, and the shower
  • Spray in shoes to reduce odor
  • Clean plane armrests and serving trays
  • Remove musty or heavy nutrient odors from rooms

The uses for this spray are really countless—it can even become gum out of a kid's hair and help prevent lice!

Are Y'all Interested in Essential Oils?

If y'all're but getting started, check out this explainer on essential oils.

How Well-nigh Yous?

Have yous ever used thieves spray? How do yous use it? Practice yous like it? Share with united states of america in the comments below.

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